The Top of Europe: Elbrus, West Summit, 5642 m
Central Caucasus, Russia
July 24, 2007 - 05:30 UTC (09:30 local time)
© 2007 Vladimir Popov, All Rights Reserved.
The most popular route to Elbrus summits is so called "Classic route" from the South: chair lift up to 3800 and refuges up to 4100 make an ascent rather comfortable, so hundreds of climbers gather on southern slopes of Elbrus during "high season" (July and August).
Previous day our team ascended East Summit (5621 m) from much less civilized and much more deserted Northern ice fields, spent a night on the Saddle (~5300 m), reached West Summit (5642 m) in the morning and descended to the South, finishing "The Cross of Elbrus" - the route that resembles a cross from above.
Lat: 43° 21' 9.29" N
Long: 42° 26' 16.37" E
Elevation: 5642
Precision is: High. Pinpoints the exact spot.