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(June 15-21, 2007)

Alfred and Justin Brock

Father's Day 2007 Toledo Ohio

Bob Bright

Friday Afternoon at the Academy

Victoria, BC, Canada

June 15, 2007, 7:12PM local time

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© 2007 Bob Bright, All Rights Reserved.

Friday Afternoon at the Academy

For the past 15 years or so, the professional philosophers in Victoria, B.C. have nurtured a tradition of gathering at Spinnakers Brewpub on Fridays after work. Attendance has slipped a bit in recent years, but there is still a core group of the clan that you can expect to find at Spinnakers every Friday night, sampling the excellent cask-conditioned ales, enjoying the view of the harbour and the mountains on the Olympic Peninsula, throwing some darts, and arguing about ethics, metaphysics, Wittgenstein, cultural appropriation, the ontology of music, and pretty much everything else under the sun. (From left to right: Karen Shirley and Sandy Bannikoff, both in the Philosophy Department at Camosun College; Jim Young, Chair of the Philosophy Department at the University of Victoria; and me, in the red fleece jacket, fondling my Zap-Shot.)

Spinnakers (http://www.spinnakers.com) is the oldest brew pub in Canada, and one of the finest. If you happen to find yourself in Victoria on a Friday evening and you're looking for some great beer and a stimulating argument or two, you'll know where to find us!



USA-Canada / Canada-British Columbia

Lat: 48° 25' 43.57" N
Long: 124° 24' 5.24" W

→ maps.google.com [EXT]

Precision is: High. Pinpoints the exact spot.

30 km
20 mi
Leaflet | Map data © OpenStreetMap contributors
Equipment: Canon 350D, Tokina 10-17 fisheye zoom, Nodal Ninja 3, cheap-piece-of-junk tripod, Zap-Shot remote control.

Software: ufraw, hugin, smartblend, the gimp, pano2qtvr, all running under Windows Vista Home Premium.

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