© 2014 Michel Thoby, All Rights Reserved.
During four decades, we sadly observed the tiled roofs collapsing one after the others and the rainy wind eating away at the clay that cemented the unprotected walls. Ten years ago in December, the scene was already devastated but vegetation was not yet so invasive: http://michel.thoby.free.fr/Baziege/Rouaret%202004.html
The pigeon loft that proudly occupied the center of the southern facade of the house is still today nearly intact, fiercely yet vainly defending the place!
Thirty five years after the abandoning, trees and bushes had totally seized the whole space when a beekeeper weeded part of the ground, pruned some branches of the invading oaks and installed a dozen of beehives on the front yard ...
Manfrotto 269 HDBU + 3 m Manfrotto extension + Fanotec Series 3 Guy wire system
CamRanger remote on iPad 4