
Photographer’s Profile

Jesse Lee 李景超(鱼眼龙)
Jesse Lee 李景超(鱼眼龙)
ChinaVR.net 中国全景摄影论坛
Beijing China
147339360 @ qq . com

Born in Beijing in 1952, started to try stitching paper photos in 1993 and learn to shoot VR panoramas in 1998, known as the first VR panoramic photographer in China.

*Member of Beijing Black & White Photography Academy
*Member of the China Folklore Photographic Association
*Member of the IAPP
*Chairman of the CPPA(hk)

*Set up the first panoramic website ChinaVR.net in 1998
*Set up the China Panoramic Gallery and workshop at 798 Art
*Zone in Beijing in 2008
*Move the workshop to Caochangdi Art Zone in 2009
*Move the workshop to Beilangzhong in 2011
*Become the solo distributor of NN head in China/Asia
*Move the gallery to Caochangdi again in 2013
*Registered China Panoramic Photography Association in HK in 2013
*Set up the Panoramic Gallery "SMART SPACE" in Caochangdi Art Villa in 2014

1993年在德国STINNES公司工作期间拍摄了STINNES BAUMARKT拼接照片
2000年7月注册chinavr.net 宣告“中国全景摄影网”建立

Tap dots on map to highlight their panoramas on the list.
Hover over list entries to highlight their marker on map.


wwp624 | Evolution

Wind Chimes - Sousa Chinensis

798 Art District,Beijing,China

May 24th 2024,15:50

wwp324 | Cities

Red Mini Bus in Langyuan Station

Langyuan, Beijing, China

February 5th, 2024, 10:30am

wwp024 | 20 Years

The Global Art Destination

798 Art District,Beijing,China

May 16th 2024,16:07

wwp024 | 20 Years

You Are Always on My Mind

798 Art District,Beijing,China

May 30th 2024,11:10

wwp024 | 20 Years

The Red-stone Square, 2023 vs 2009

798 Art zone, Beijing, China

Jun. 11th, 2023, 9:00am

wwp024 | 20 Years

Beijing 798 Art zone 2024

798 Art zone, Beijing, China

Feb. 14th, 2024, 13:22pm

wwp923 | Favourite Place

Central Station in Langyuan Art Zone

Langyuan, Beijing, China

Sept. 6th, 2023, 9:00am

wwp1222 | Best Of 2022

National Railway Museum of China


Sept. 8th,2022,11:13am

wwp922 | Climate Change

New-Built Wetland Park in Capital City

Black Bridge Village, Beijing, China

April 2022, 8:56am

wwp1219 | Best Of 2019

Same Where, Different When (2000-2019)

Sanlitun Bars Street, Beijing, China

Nov. 24, 2019

wwp1218 | Best Of 2018

Empty Chairs

Beijing, China

Mar. 16th 2018

wwp918 | Rain

Shooting panorama in the rain.

Beijing, China

Sept.10th, 2018

wwp318 | Once Upon A Time

The 1st Streetview in China, 1998

QIANGAN lane, Beijing, China

Sept. 13th, 1998

wwp1217 | Best Of 2017

Friends in my pano gallery

Beijing, China

25th Nov. 2017

wwp1216 | Best Of 2016

The 1st VRP in China

Beijing, China

Oct. 15, 2016, 10:00am

wwp316 | Travel


Beijing, China

31st, Mar. 2016

wwp615 | New

New Pano Gallery 全景画廊

草场地艺术村 Caochangdi, Beijing, China

21 June, 2015

wwp315 | Weather / Climate

Occasionally Blue Sky in Beijing

Wangjing SOHO, Beijing, China

Feb. 28, 2015

wwp914 | Ruins

After Fire

Lijiang, Yunnan, China


wwp614 | Work

My New Pano Workshop

Caochangdi Art Zone, Beijing, China

June 29, 2014

wwp314 | Decade

Same Where, Different When

Stone Square, Beijing, China

Mar. 29th, 2014

wwp1213 | Best of 2013

Huangshan Mountain

UN World Heritage Site in China

9th Nov. 2013

wwp913 | Mortality

Eastern Tombs of the Qing Emperors

Zunhua County, Hebei Province, China

25 Sept 2013 11:35

wwp613 | Machines

Machines in my Workshop

Caochangdi 219, Beijing, China

27th June, 2013

wwp313 | Scale

Giant Buddha

Leshan, Sichuan, China

March 29th, 2013

wwp1212 | Best Of 2012

VRWAY Training in Beijing

798 Art Zone, Beijing, China


wwp612 | Heritage

Cave 5, Yungang Grottos

Datong City, Shanxi Province, China


wwp312 | Paths

The Olympic Road

Beijing, China

March 25, 2012

wwp2012 | Culture


Suzhou, Jiangsu, China

May 13, 2012

wwp2012 | Culture

Bronze sculptures for London 2012 Olympics

China International Exhibition Center, Beijing, China

Nov. 2011

wwp2012 | Culture

Handmade textile

Puer, Yunnan, China

Aug. 2011

wwp911 | History

Ancient City of Dali

Dali city, Yunnan province, China

September 25, 2011

wwp611 | Family


National Conference Center, Beijing, China

June 22, 2011

wwp311 | Limits

Limit on The Olympic Road

Beijing, China

March 26, 2011

wwp2011 | International Year of Forests

Ah Three Fruit Trees

Akaluoduo, Puer, Yunnan, China

August 20, 2011

wwp1210 | Best Of 2010

Longquan Monastery

West Hills, Beijing, China

October 13, 2010

wwp910 | Crossroads

Crossroad to the Sky

Songzhuang, Beijing, China

September 26, 2010

wwp310 | Food

Materials of Food

Beijing, China

March 28, 2010

wwp609 | Time

Time in my Workshop

Beijing, China

June 22, 2009

wwp1208 | Best Of 2008

The Forbidden City

Beijing, China

October 8, 2008, 9:01 am–9:06 am

wwp908 | Color

White BIMC, One of the Colors of the Beijing Olympics

Beijing International Media Center, Beijing, China

Sept. 26, 2008 12:01 (Beijing Time)

wwp608 | Elevation

Confidence in Life

Bayi Lake, Beijing, China

June 28, 2008

wwp308 | Beginnings

The Games Beginning from Here

The New Terminal of Beijing Capital International Airport, China

20 Mar. 2008

wwp108 | Wrinkle Tribute

Panning on a Drum-Shaped Aquarium

Beijing, China

14:08, Dec. 21, 2007

wwp1207 | Best of 2007

National Grand Theater

Beijing, China

12:55 July 1st, 2007

wwp907 | Sustenance

Make Up Others As Emperors

Zhengyangmen, Beijing, China

Sept. 25, 2007

wwp607 | Community

Artist's Community

798 Factory, Beijing, China

June 11, 2007

wwp307 | Atmosphere

The Big SkyScreen

CBD, Beijing, China

Mar. 29, 2007-8:35pm

wwp1206 | Best of 2006

String Quartet

Landmark Hotel, Beijing, China

Oct.21, 2006, 9:35am

wwp906 | Transportation

Zero-Point of China Highways

Beijing, China

Oct., 8th, 2006 - 9:00am(local time)

wwp606 | Gardens

My Community's Fountain Garden

Beijing, China

June 25, 2006 - 11:15 local time

wwp306 | Borders

No Borders Among 56 Nationalities

China Nationalities Museum, Beijing, China

March 16, 2006 9:00am

wwp1205 | Best of 2005

The Graduates of Science

Beijing, Haidian, China

Dec. 22, 2005 16:25

wwp605 | Water

We Majored in Water!

Beijing Normal University, Beijing, China

Jun. 21, 2005

wwp305 | Marketplace

One of The Largest Flower Markets in Beijing

Laitai Flower Street, Chaoyang District, Beijing, China

10:30am Mar. 21, 2005

wwp1204 | Sanctuary

Ma Dian Park

North of Beijing, China

Dec. 21, 2004 12:25

wwp304 | The Original WWP

Stone Square, the 29th Beijing Olympic Welcoming Road

Olympic Welcoming Road, Beijing, China

8:15 am Beijing

PLEASE RESPECT THE ARTIST’S WORK. All images are copyright by the individual photographers, unless stated otherwise. Use in any way other than viewing on this web site is prohibited unless permission is obtained from the individual photographer. If you're interested in using a panorama, be it for non-profit or commercial purposes, please contact the individual photographer. The WWP can neither negotiate for, nor speak on behalf of its participants. The overall site is copyright by the World Wide Panorama Foundation, a California Public Benefit Corporation. Webdesign © by Martin Geier www.geiervisuell.com