
Photographer’s Profile

John Leith
John Leith
Stenness Computer Services
Stenness, Orkney, UK
5000 km
3000 mi
Leaflet | Tiles based on NASA images

Tap dots on map to highlight their panoramas on the list.
Hover over list entries to highlight their marker on map.


wwp913 | Mortality

Hoy Sound

Hoy Sound, Scapa Flow, Orkney, Scotland, UK

29 September 2013, 12:30 UTC (01:30 local)

wwp612 | Heritage

Ring of Bookan

Brodgar, Stenness, Orkney, Scotland, UK

6th of June 2012, 10:40 UTC (11:40 local)

wwp312 | Paths

Path to the Broch

Between Birsay and the Broch of Birsay, Orkney, Scotland, UK

March 22, 2012, 15:20 UTC (15:20 local)

wwp1211 | Best Of 2011

STS Pogoria in Stromness Harbour

Stromness, Orkney, Scotland, UK

July 18, 2011, 15:50 UTC (16:50 local)

wwp911 | History

The Italian Chapel

Lamb Holm, Orkney

September 18, 2011, 13:40 Z (12:40 local)

wwp611 | Family

European Marine Energy Wave Power Test Site

Ootertoon, Stromness, Orkney, Scotland, UK

June 17, 2011, 14:08Z

wwp311 | Limits

The John Rae Memorial

St. Magnus Cathedral, Kirkwall, Orkney, UK

March 26, 2011, 13:45 UTC

wwp2011 | International Year of Forests

The Top of Happy Valley

Germiston, Stenness, Orkney, Scotland, UK

November 12, 2011, 13:35 UTC

wwp2011 | International Year of Forests

The Path through Binscarth Wood

Binscarth, Finstown, Orkney, Scotland, UK

May 1, 2011, 15:35 UTC

wwp2011 | International Year of Forests

Bluebells at Happy Valley

Stenness, Orkney, Scotland, UK

May 13, 2011, 14:50 UTC (15:50 local)

wwp2011 | International Year of Forests

Happy Valley, Lower Pool

Happy Valley, Stenness, Orkney, Scotland, UK

March 20, 2011, 13:35 UTC

wwp1210 | Best Of 2010

Snow by Moonlight

Stenness, Orkney, Scotland, UK

December 20, 2010, 23:35 UTC

wwp910 | Crossroads


The Western Entrance to Scapa Flow, Stromness, Orkney Islands, Scotland, UK

September 26, 2010, 08:15-08:19 UTC

wwp610 | Forgotten Places

The Ghosts of Farming's Past

Stenness, Orkney, UK

June 22, 2010, 10:30 UTC (11:30 Local)

wwp310 | Food

Crabs, Lobsters and Farming

Tingwall, Evie, Orkney, Scotland

March 21, 2010, 11:25

wwp1209 | Best Of 2009

Niagara Falls

Niagara Falls, Ontario, Canada

August 31, 2009, 15:00 UTC (11:00 local time)

wwp609 | Time

The Ring of Brodgar

Brodgar, Stenness, Orkney, UK

June 25, 2009, 13:00 GMT

wwp108 | Wrinkle Tribute

Sunrise at the Ring of Brodgar

Ring of Brodgar, Stenness, Orkney, Scotland, UK

09:35Z 22/12/2007

wwp1207 | Best of 2007

Stromness Museum

Stromness, Orkney, Scotland, UK

16:07Z 27/02/2007

wwp907 | Sustenance

Four of Me Making Dinner

Appiehouse, Stenness, Orkney, Scotland, UK

Dinner time, 23/9/2007

wwp1206 | Best of 2006

Happy Valley

Stenness, Orkney, Scotland, UK

20th October 2006 10:30am UTC

wwp906 | Transportation

Kirkwall Airport Terminal Building

Kirkwall, Orkney, Scotland, UK

20th September 2006, 10:45 UTC (11:45 local)

PLEASE RESPECT THE ARTIST’S WORK. All images are copyright by the individual photographers, unless stated otherwise. Use in any way other than viewing on this web site is prohibited unless permission is obtained from the individual photographer. If you're interested in using a panorama, be it for non-profit or commercial purposes, please contact the individual photographer. The WWP can neither negotiate for, nor speak on behalf of its participants. The overall site is copyright by the World Wide Panorama Foundation, a California Public Benefit Corporation. Webdesign © by Martin Geier www.geiervisuell.com